Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Yesterday was an uberly busy day. First off, I completed the EA Sports Active: More Workouts' 6 Week Challenge. Yay me!

Ending result of the challenge? Minus 3lbs and I am feeling awesome!! I hit the cringeworthydespisedupon weight loss plateau, so I'll really need to kick it up about eating healthier versus me working out just to eat like a pig and devour whatever I wish unsensibly and without nutrition in mind. I'm going to do the 6 Week Challenge again, and I'll let you know how round 2 goes!

At corporate job, our Montreal co-worker was in town and we hired a new contractor so the Senior VP thought it'd be perfect to do a full day of training on various topics, in which I presented on one. That went on from 10am till 4:30pm. Can someone say Starbucks Tentra please? And stat! We ended the hectic day with dinner at Rafain's with a good glass (or two) of Merlot. With all the crazy busy stuff going on at work, the get together was just what we all needed - awesome food, delightful drinks, and tons of stories that result in belly aching laughter (the alcohol might or might not have been a slight factor in what stories were shared).

And for the first time in a long, long time, the sleep gods bestowed upon me 8 hours of serene sleep. I woke up fully refreshed and might have hopped out of the shower breaking into a slight song and dance. Maybe. Ultimately, it reminded me that good company over some drinks is therapeutic for the soul.

What's your technique to unwind and relax? Happy Friday everyone, and have a fabulous weekend!

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